Statistical Survey of Women Education/edited by Usha Sharma and B.M. Sharma. 1995, tables, $36.
Contents: Preface. 1. Distribution of population in states/union territories. 2. Projected values of expectation of life at birth, All India and states, 1951-85. 3. Municipalities which have introduced compulsory primary education under the United Provinces Primary Education Act, 1919. 4. Rural education in the United Provinces. 5. Girls' education. 6. Enrolment in classes I-V (1949-50 to 1960-61). 7. Progress of education of girls in post-independence period. 8. Enrolment at elementary stages as percentage of the population in the corresponding age-group. 9. Gross enrolment as percentage to total population by age and sex, All India--1950-51--1985-86. 10. Enrolment ratio in classes-I-V and VI-VIII of schools for general education All India/states/UT's 1985-86. 11. Statistics relating to the committee to look into the causes for lack of public support particularly in rural areas for girls' education and to enlist public cooperation (1963). 12. Enrolment ratio at various stages of school education, 1980-81. 13. Provisions required for the programme of girls education in the fourth plan. 14. Enrolment of girls at school stages of education, 1980-81. 15. Projected school going population by single year age and sex in India, 1981-1991. 16. I want an education/Margaret L. Cormack. 17. Higher education. 18. Documents and data relating to the report of the national committee on women education (1958-59). 19. Number of students admitted to the Ist year M.B.B.S. course and passed out in final M.B.B.S. (sex-wise) India, 1971-72--1986-87. 20. Colleges exclusively meant for women, All India, 1971-72--1984-85. 21. Enrolment of women in higher education, 1980-81. 22. Female literacy in India. 23. Women teachers. 24. Female work participation rates. 25. Education of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, All India--1950-51--1980-81. 26. Indian students going abroad by sex, All India, 1970-71--1985-86.
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